The management of Dayspring's activities rests with its governing body - called The Dayspring Guiding Committee. Elected annually at its AGM, these people hold the governance of Dayspring as their primary responsibility.
CHAIRPERSON - Mrs Jenelle Pike
Jenelle has been a part of the Dayspring Community for many years holding various roles in admin, events, and the guiding committee. Jenelle appreciates the rhythms, spaciousness, and creativity that come from choosing a contemplative path. Having a previous background of study in cultural heritage and politics, Jenelle has recently enjoyed the challenge of the post-graduate work of Dayspring's spiritual direction training - and was awarded a Master in Spiritual Direction Degree from the University of Divinity early in 2024. Jenelle and her husband Chris also have the privilege of spending time with their three children, who constantly remind them how to live a life full of wonder.
SECRETARY - Mrs Glenis Holliday
A graduate of Perth Bible College, Glenis spent 7 years in Kalimantan Indonesia in a church planting mission. After returning to Australia, she supported her husband in his role as a Churches of Christ pastor for some years as well has being mother to 4 children. After moving to Perth in 1989, she began work as a secondary teacher with Carey Baptist College for 18 years. Glenis has been associated with Dayspring since its inception. She graduated from the Dayspring Graduate Diploma of Spiritual Direction in 2019 and assists with administration tasks as Guiding Committee Secretary. Since retiring from teaching Glenis enjoys more involvement with her 13 delightful grandchildren.
John has been associated with Dayspring since its inception and as he approached his retirement from Anglican Church ministry made himself available to Dayspring as Treasurer of the Guiding Committee. John Graduated from the Dayspring Coursework Program in 2012. John's main role in Dayspring apart from this reporting function, is as an occasional workshop presenter and as a Spiritual Director and Professional Supervisor. John was a school teacher before training for church ministry and has graduate qualifications in Social Science, Management, Spiritual Direction and Professional Supervision. In addition to periods of parish work, John has worked as a middle manager in a number of settings including aged care, chaplaincy and the welfare sector.
Mr Dennis Ryle Dennis is back on the Guiding Committee for the second time. He was part of the gestation of Dayspring when Brian and Patricia Stitt were leading the "Spirituality for Ministry" course at Wollaston. He assisted in the development and presentation of Dayspring Courses and was part of the inaugural Graduate Diploma in Spiritual Direction while he was Chairperson of the Guiding Committee. His main involvement now is as a Spiritual Director and occasional Workshop and Course Presenter. He has a particular interest in exploring the use of the Enneagram as a tool for personal discernment. Dennis graciously chaired our Guiding Committee for a couple of years, and we thank him for continuing on the Guiding Committee.
Dr Deborah Robertson Deborah graduated from the Dayspring Grad Dip Spiritual Direction course in 2018 and has been a member of the DayspringSW committee for most of the time since. Deborah was involved in faith education for many years as a teacher and lecturer and is currently involved in offering spiritual formation through Dayspring and the Spirituality Hub in the Bunbury area. She is looking forward to contributing to the further development of the spirituality community in Western Australia.
Dr Brian Holliday - Anam Cara to the Guiding Committee Brian is a spiritual director and librarian for the Dayspring Community. He also teaches and supervises in Dayspring’s spiritual direction training course. Previously, he held various ministry positions in Australia and overseas. His post-graduate work was in cultural and literary critical studies, but for many years now his main interest has been with Dayspring and its contemplative approach to life and faith. Brian and Glenis have four wonderful kids, and many delightful grandchildren.
Dr Cathie Lambert - Program Director Cathie has been a valuable member of the volunteer teaching staff at Dayspring for several years, and upon completing her Doctoral studies at the University of Divinity accepted our invitation to become our Course Coordinator. She is now the overall Program Director for Dayspring's Coursework Programs. Cathie is a Minister of the Word in the Uniting Church and serves that church in a leadership role with their ministry formation program.