Falling Upward
Interested in exploring Richard Rohr’s teachings in a group setting?
Starting on Tuesday July 2nd at 7.30pm (AWST) , Dayspring will be offering fortnightly Zoom sessions discussing Rohr’s book, “Falling Upward” (updated and revised edition with forward by Brene Brown)
Subtitled “A spirituality for the two halves of life”, the book is an exploration of how the two halves of life work together to lead us to deep meaning and spiritual joy.
The Zoom group will explore and discuss the book chapter by chapter (13 chapters in all).
Please note there will be 4 sessions: 2nd July, 16 July, 30 July, 13 August, followed by a 6 week break, resuming on 1st October. Break over Christmas to be discussed.
The event is now free so please email us asap if you would like to join in this wonderful opportunity at [email protected]